Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beruby´s Beginners guide

What do I need to do to be part of BeRuby and earn money? 

To register with BeRuby you just need to provide your email address and a password. Your account is immediately activated and you can set BeRuby as your homepage to search the web, check your email or do your shopping. All the logos of the companies that you see in BeRuby take you directly to their Internet sites. Remember to use BeRuby as your starting point for every search, purchase, etc., so that you can earn money! Only sites with a Ruby symbol next to them generate cash back.

  How do I earn money using BeRuby? 

It's easy! Beruby shows you all the companies that pay some kind of a commission when you use their services, or buy from their site. On the BeRuby site, we indicate which companies provide a commission with either one, two or three rubies. The more rubies located next to the site's logo, the more money you can earn. The rubies indicate the companies with which Beruy has a commercial agreement and where you can earn money. Commissions can be earned from different activities: shopping online, registering in a service or simply by visiting a site. Finally, you need to take into account that there will be sites that earn you no money, but that you probably use every day (like your email, your favorite search engine, or even a social networking site). Beruby has listed all the most popular sites in once place, so you can personalize your BeRuby page in any way you'd like. The important thing to remember is that by using BeRuby as your starting point for all your web activities, gradually you will find you do earn money. And isn't it about time to start making money from your use of the Internet, instead of just spending money? 

What do I need to do to include other sites on my homepage? 
All the boxes on BeRuby have a "+" symbol at the bottom right of each module that will take you to a page where you choose the four logos to display on your homepage for that module. BeRuby is all about user choice: you will be able to personalize the page with whatever site you wish! You can personalize the "weather" module with your local weather forecast. Just enter your zip code on your Full Profile page, and the weather for your city will be displayed. 

On my Account Page, what is the difference between "pending amount," "confirmed amount," and "total amount"? 

Pending Amount: When you complete an online activity through Beruby (such as buying online, registering on a site or visiting a site), the company will first need to tell BeRuby that this activity actually took place. When this happens, your pending amount is calculated and added to other pending amounts. 

Confirmed Amount: When a company with which you have transacted pays BeRuby, the amount is "confirmed" by the outside source, and your confirmed amount goes up. At the same time, your pending amount will decrease by the same amount. 

Total Amount: This is the total amount of money (Pending plus Confirmed) that you can expect from BeRuby

When and how do I get paid? 
You can ask for the confirmed amount to be paid to you at any given time. The method for payments will be via Paypal account. Paypal is an online e-commerce business that allows payments to be made through the Internet. Find out more how Paypal works here. 

How much money can I earn? 
The amount of money that you make will be determined y your activity on the net. If you frequently register on community, shop or visit some sites you will earn more revenues than a less active person 

You can make referrals to earn even more money
Up to 2 levels. Your network will also play a key role in determining how much revenues you earn. A network of 10 people inviting another 10 people will enable you to earn part of the commissions generated by 100 people. A network of 20 people inviting another 20 people will enable you to earn part of the commissions generated by 400 people! 

How do I invite friends to my network? 
Just visit the "invite" section and write the email that you will like your friends to see; put in their email address and you are all set. You can also copy your personalized link that you see in the "invite section" and send that link over to your friends. Finally, you can ask them to register and tell them to include your email address in their sign-in process.

Beruby! Find the location that suits you better.

Beruby UK/world 1 year online (recommended if you live in UK, Europe)

Beruby USA/world Beta version (recommended if you live in North America, Asia)

Beruby Spain/world 4 years online (recommended if you live in Spain, Europe or South America

1 comment:

  1. Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.
