TOP 10 Sites to Earn Money Online
The best 10 free sites to start earning Money online from the confort of your house
TOP 10 Ad Networks Sites
TOP 10 Best High paying Ad Networks Alternatives to AdSense
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Neobux Aniversary - Admin Letter to its members
Beginners Guide to Pay-To-Click Sites. Earn Money with PTC

Introduction To PTC
Paid to click sites pay users by clicking predefined ads and viewing the advertisement for a set amount of time, which is usually 30 seconds. Each ad view is credited to the user; the usual pay is $0.01 or higher per click. This doesn’t seem like much; however, your profits can quickly double or triple when you add referrals into the mix. Many paid-to-click programs offer other ways to earn money, such as lottery, raffle drawings, contests, and paid sign-ups.
Referrals are users that registered under your referral link that is provided to you when you register for a paid-to-click program. Alternatively, you can purchase referrals from most paid-to-click sites reasonably cheaply. Most sites sell referrals as packs like 15, 35, 50, and 500. Referrals are where the big earning come in. For example, if you had 50 referrals and use a site that pays you $0.01 per click plus $0.01 per referral click and serves 10 ads per day, this would give you roughly $5.00 daily income.
What you should have before joining a PTC site:
Valid Email Address
Payment Processors
Browser Upgrade
Common Courtesy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Beruby gives you cash back for your activity on the web
Beruby General information
Description: BeRuby has links to many of the most popular sites on the web. You can personalise your BeRuby page to feature your own favourite links. Simply click on the + sign. BeRuby will remember your settings, which you can modify whenever you like.Evaluation: 9/10
Language: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, French
Referral levels:2
Minimum amount paid: 10€ [Beruby payment proof]
Payment method:
BeRuby pays you cashback for your activity on the web.
BeRuby has advertising agreements with all the sites that display the Ruby symbol.Unlike other portals, BeRuby shares the revenue generated through these agreements. Specifically, BeRuby gives you, the user, one-third of the advertising revenue that you generate by visiting, shopping or registering in these sites. The amount of the commission that users can earn will vary by site and will often depend on how much is purchased from the merchant. The more rubies that are displayed next to the store the larger the potential commission.
On your direct commissions from the sites with rubies, you receive 33% (or one third) of the cash back generated. Another 33% (or one third) of the cash back generated goes to one of the non-profits working with BeRuby.
BeRuby pays you commission for the activity of your network and friends
When someone you invite joins BeRuby, you will receive 16.6% (or one sixth) of all the revenues generated by that person for life and another one sixth from all the people that they invite. The BeRuby network marketing effect lets you exponentially grow your earnings! For example, if you invite 10 people and they each invite 10 more you will earn lifetime commissions from 100 people!
+ Beruby shares the wealth
Friday, March 27, 2009
I´m Max Pig, the most famous pig on the internet (or so I think) and a passionate economist who is always looking for ways to make the web profitable.
As a good piglet that I am, I like to see the piggy bank is always full! Despite my four tiny legs that do not allow me to type very agilely, since 2007 I have been writing in different blogs and websites about the possibilities offered by the Internet to earn money. I am always trying to advise on 2.0 projects that I consider more profitable and reliable. COink, cOink!
Founded in 2010, is a blog that offers its readers resources and information to earn money through the Internet. We teach strategies to generate passive income through simple guides and reviews of the portals that have giving us better results. To do this, we spend an enormous amount of time researching different platforms with different tools, resources and software to always have the best content available on the blog!
If you like, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. In these social networks you can be aware of all the news that we are publishing.
Thank you very much for reading me and welcome to my digital meadow! COink!
Nowadays, it seems that everyone makes money online: advertisers, bloggers, webmasters ... It is time to take advantage of the opportunities, and recover part of that money that you generate with your online activity.
Currently I am a half-time blogger making a living from blogging for almost 10 years. I have been blogging since November 2005.
I like web designing, blogging and playing around with Adobe Photoshop. I also enjoy testing out different Software, WordPress Plugins and trying out different ways to make money online.
#Hashtags that defines us…
#Hashtags that we follow…
#EarnMoneyOnline #Bitcoins #Cashback, #Cryptocurrencies, #SocialMedia, #SEO, #PTR, #SavingMoney, #PTC, #GPT #OnlineSurveys, #Bitcoins, #AffiliateMarketing #Blogging, #PassiveIncome #InvestingAbout the blog is an online earning blog focused on many types of online earning opportunities. The blog offers regularly updated articles, reviews and guides covering several different methods of earning money online.All information within this blog is completely free, there is no membership fee and you won't even have to register as a member.
Making Money Online
If you are looking for tips go to the "Guides" category and start to make money just surfing, or through your blogs.
To get the daily articles of this blog send to you for free, subscribe to the blogThursday, March 26, 2009
Contact us -
I am Max Pig. After some year trying out different ways to make money online, and publishing different websites and blogs we started this blog in 2009. Currently I am a half-time blogger making a living from blogging. I have been blogging since November 2005.
I like web designing, blogging and playing around with Adobe Photoshop. I also enjoy testing out different Software, WordPress Plugins and trying out different ways to make money online.
For any questions, suggestions or ideas please contact us via the form below. We will answer as soon as possible.
@euforicos in Twitter: it's enough to mention us or answer our tweets and we will see you.
Companies / press / projects: our inbox email is; both two editors will receive it.
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